Home Lab setup

January 01, 2024

I recently picked up a used Dell OptiPlex 3070 to replace my aging Pi, and went down a (fun!) rabbit hole of automating provision/management using a combination of Ansible and Docker Compose.

Setup #

I started fresh from a debian-standard ISO image and configured the net interface. Docs were consulted heavily (thank you Archwiki/Debian docs), as it has been awhile since I did this! Turns out the ethN etc. interface names are all deprecated, and interfaces now have more unique names. I had to dig around to figure out what to use, via:

1$ ls /sys/class/net

That gave me enp1s0, which I stuck into /etc/network/interfaces:

1auto enp1s0
2allow-hotplug enp1s0
3iface enp1s0 inet dhcp

And with that, I now have a working network connection. The next step was setting up SSH keypair access (ssh-keygen + ssh-copy-id), and then I let Ansible take over.

I use an Ansible playbook to automate the server config. It does the bare host-system setup: timezone/NTP, disables IPv6 (because my ISP doesn't support it... in 2024; though I could just easily use it on my internal network), installs Docker, etc.

All services are managed through Docker Compose that gets invoked via Ansible.

Management #

Everything is managed through Ansible. Services are containerized and managed by Docker Compose (also via Ansible). This means that the directory structure looks like:

  • ./ansible/ - Ansible-related manifests
  • ./services/<service-name> - Service-related files, i.e.:
    • A docker-compose.yml file - manages/runs the service(s)
    • An Ansible playbook.yml file - deploys the service
    • Any service-related files (e.g. configuration)

You can find the Ansible task responsible for provisioning a service here.

Reverse Proxy & DNS #

I use nginx as a reverse proxy to expose services over my internal network through the following domains:

I also run PiHole. It comes with dnsmasq that I leverage as an all-in-one DNS solution. Each DNS record is set up via Ansible tasks in ./services/pihole-and-dns/playbook.yml#L24-L50.

You can also do this via PiHole's UI under Local DNS > DNS Records, but I prefer keeping mine programmatic and idempotent.

Unblocking iCloud Private Relay

PiHole blocks iCloud Private Relay by default. You can unblock it by setting BLOCK_ICLOUD_PR=false in its FTL conf file. I did it via an Ansible task here.

SSL via LetsEncrypt #

I registered the domain gallifrey.sh and stuck it on Cloudflare, then used Certbot to auto-provision LetsEncrypt certs via Cloudflare DNS challenge. This means I get free SSL over my internal network without having to deal with any self-signed certs.

You can find my certbot command in services/nginx-certbot/docker-compose.yml#L12-L21.

Spinning up new services #

Since everything's managed via Ansible, adding a new service means creating a new directory under ./services/<service-name>, tossing in a docker-compose.yml, and an Ansible playbook to deploy it.

Check out these commits to see how I deploy an observability stack using Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter, and VictoriaMetrics:

After the two commits above, I run the following playbooks:

1# Deploy observability stack
2$ ansible-playbook \
3    -i ansible/inventory.yml \
4    services/observability/playbook.yml \
5    --ask-become-pass
6# Update nginx conf
7$ ansible-playbook \
8    -i ansible/inventory.yml \
9    services/nginx-certbot/playbook.yml \
10    --ask-become-pass
11# Update DNS
12$ ansible-playbook \
13    -i ansible/inventory.yml \
14    services/pihole-and-dns/playbook.yml \
15    --ask-become-pass

Et voila:

Basic Grafana Monitoring DashboardBasic Grafana Monitoring Dashboard

Improvements #

  • The Ansible stuff is rather repetitive. I guess that's YAML for you - I'm sure I can cut down on some of the repetition, but that's a rabbit hole for another day.
  • Make a "deploy all" Ansible playbook? The reverse proxy + DNS stuff is repetitive and running three playbooks to deploy a single service is a bit jarring.
  • Logs! I should set up something to collect logs from all my services.
  • More services! Now that my Pi's spec is no longer a limiting factor, I could toss in Jellyfin/Sonarr etc. and have everything running smoothly.
  • Separate DNS/PiHole using my old Pi? A single host means a single point-of-failure, and DNS is more critical than others.
  • Figure out a better way to provision services? I'm not a fan of wrangling YAML in general.

You can find all of my configuration in this repository: half0wl/homelab.